Travel Tips in Turkey

Travel Tips in Turkey
- Turkey is slowing phasing out the old sticker visas given at the airport. They aim to implement a full e-visa system for everywhere.
- Many travelers land at the airport and try to arrange their transfer from there. This method is very expensive. Most of the local tour operators will not accept you at the airport for fear of offending the taxi drivers. More than likely you will have to get a taxi and their rates are very high. Arrange your transfer from the airport to your destination before you travel.
- When you are booking accommodation, bath room arrangements will be in the form of a wet room. This is basically a shower hose attached to the wall and a small hole in the ground. Nothing else, so if you want a cubicle book a three star hotel. If you want an actual bath, then book five-star.
- If you hiring a car, then remember to drive on the right side. Even if you have right of way, do not assume that other drivers will give it to you. The limit for drinking and driving is nil.
- When you are in a restaurant, the expected tip is 10% of the bill depending on how happy you were with the service. Always ask to see the bill and check for what you have been charged for
- Some of the travel agencies offer reasonable prices but some of charge over the top amount for their trips. The reps will tell you it is for insurance etc, however it is simply because there are four links in the commission chain. The real excursion provider, the Turkish agent the holiday company itself and finally the rep.
- The local drinks, Turkey’s national drink is Raki, otherwise known as lions milk. Another suggestion is non alcoholic Ayran. This is water, yogurt and salt mixed and served chill.
- Travel Tips in Turkey
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