
Phaselis was founded by the people of Rhodes in the 7th. century BC. For many years, the city which was the most important harbor of the eastern coast of Lycia, had three ports; the northern harbor, protected harbor or the southern harbor and the war harbor. The most important of such harbors is the one in the south. There is a spectacular street with 20-24 meters width in the middle of the city. On the south end of this street is the Hadrian Door. There are sidewalks and shops on both sides of the street. Next, the Bath, the Agora and the public places, such as theater can be seen. It is said that these structures date back to I and II centuries BC. Between the city center and residential area located on 70 m high plateau are water channels. When you turn south at 57km of Antalya-Kumluca highway, you can arrive Phaselis after 1 km later.
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