Nigde Museum

Nigde Museum
Nigde Museum, The museums are defined as institutions that determine cultural assets, obtain them with scientific methods, examine, evaluate, protect, introduce, temporarily and permanently exhibit such assets, developing the education and preference of the public in relation with the cultural and natural assets and that are effective in developing of the world view of the public.
The Niğde museum is one of the most important museums of Mid Turkey with its three large exhibition halls, expertise library, modern conference and exhibition halls.
The first museum activities in Niğde have been started in Akmedrese that was used as the museum (was constructed by Karamanoğlu Ali Bey) in 1939. This place has been used as the warehouse of the Istanbul Archaeology Museums because of the 2nd World War between the years 1939 – 1950.
In Akmedrese, which has been used as a warehouse between 1950 – 1957, “The Niğde Museum Directorate” was founded in 1957 and the building was repaired, its arrangement and exhibition were made and opened for visit.
Since the madrasa was not suitable for modern exhibition, the base of the new museum building has been laid by the Ministry of Culture in July 1971. In 1977, Akmedrese has been closed and the museum has been moved to the new, modern museum building.
The exhibition – arrangement and the adjustment of the new museum building has continued until November 1982 and the museum was opened for visit with the ceremony held on November 12th 1982.
Before entrance to The Niğde Museum, the visitors are welcomed by the “The Hittite Storm God”, that is “Teshup relief” made of basalt, belonging to the Late Hittite Period. This work is one of the important works belonging to “The Nahita Kingdom” that is one of the Late Hittite States that survived in Mid Anatolia between the 8th – 7th century BC.
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