NewAge Clinic

NewAge Clinic
How it is Performed
NewAge Clinic, the FUE hair transplant technique is a more recently developed technology as opposed to the traditional FUT procedure. With the FUE hair transplant technique, hair follicles are removed individually from the donor site through the use of a micromotor fitted with micropunches which are just 0.5 to 0.8 mm in diameter.
Rapid advancements in hair transplant technology made the FUE technique the most popular choice for hair implant patients. The development of surgical tools that extract hair follicles smoothly and rapidly without harming them made the FUE hair transplant technique the standard in hair restoration surgery. Manually or electronically controlled micromotors replaced handheld punches – these tools help the extraction process greatly and maintain the health and strength of the hair follicles. The duration of the procedure itself became much shorter and extensive hair transplant procedures through the FUE technique last only 4-5 hours as compared to the traditional FUT transplant which used to last even a couple of days. This new technology has led to a much higher level of comfort for the patient itself and greater success rates as well.
The FUE hair transplant procedure itself can be divided into three stages. In the first stage, the hair follicles are extracted by the plastic surgeon – this should last around 1-2 hours. In the second stage the hair canals are created through small incisions – this takes around 30-45 minutes. The third and final stage is when the hair follicles are inserted inside the open, already-created canals. The hair transplant region is then wrapped with medical dressing – the third stage lasts around 2-3 hours.
Recommended For
Patients suffering from traumatic alopecia, male pattern baldness, receding hairlines, traction alopecia, and general alopecia can benefit from a hair transplant procedure.
On the first day after the hair transplant procedure, the hair is gently washed and the patient is taught on how to wash their hair after the hair implant procedure. This procedure usually takes around 15 minutes. Once the procedure is over, you may travel back home – the procedure itself causes no labour loss and the patient may return to work in just 1-2 days after the surgery. The recipient site will have punctuate red scars and small scabs that last around a week from the surgery date. In around 10 days these scabs usually become one tenth of their original size, from the day of the surgery. The redness usually fades from the third day onwards. By using the FUE hair transplant method, the hair from the donor site grows longer and hides the extraction area by the tenth day of the operation. After the tenth day the patients achieves a normal appearance – the hair transplant procedure doesn’t require any long term post-operatory care.
Local anesthetic
Hospital Stay
Overnight stay is not required
Number of Trips Abroad
1 trip
Back to Sports
1 week after the surgery
Duration of Operation
4 to 6 hours
Minimum Stay
Patients can usually fly afterwards
Back to Work
3 to 7 days after the surgery
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