Keslik Monastery

Keslik Monastery
Keslik Monastery in located on the south part of Cappadocia and it is one of the least visited monasteries in Cappadocia even though it has really nice places to visit and opportunity to meet with Mr. Cabir who is the caretaker of the monastery. He is a great personality who is coming to the monastery every single day, cleaning the environment and offering tea to everyone without any hesitation. He also speaks several different languages and guide you through the monastery.
Keslik Monastery has 3 churches to visit, a nicely rock-cut refectory, sleeping and living quarters. The monastery is thought to be carved in 6th or 7th centuries even though the churches are not dated back to 13th or 14th centuries.
The Archangle Church is the most beautiful one in the monastery and it has nice and very different style paintings of Jesus’ life and Mother Mary. You will be able to see the childhood and presentation of Mary to the temple in this church, which is very rare in Cappadocia.
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