German Fountain

German Fountain
German Fountain, it is the fountain located in the hippodrome in Sultanahmet Square. German Emperor II. It is a gift of Wilhelm to the Ottoman Sultan and the people of Istanbul. It was built in Germany and installed in its place in Istanbul in 1901. It is a fountain with very beautiful stonework. It is decorated with golden mosaics from the inside.

German Fountain
The German fountain is not like the European sculptures with classical sculptures and the classical Turkish fountains. It was made in a different style. It has eight water flowing taps. There is a dome carried by eight columns on the water reservoir. There are a medallion in the pandifs on the arches that connect the columns. The Ottoman Sultan II. Abdulhamid’s monogram, the German Emperor II, on the Prussian blue among the other four. The number II is placed under the “W letter”, which is the symbol of Wilhelm.
Today, it is a fountain that actively flows and uses water. It happened on some special days when sherbet was poured from the fountain.
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