Edirne Arasta Bazaar

Edirne Arasta Bazaar
The Arasta Bazaar in Edirne, within the Selimiye Mosque, a masterpiece by Ottoman court architect Mimar Sinan, Arasta in Edirne is a historic attraction with dozens of shops. Ottoman-era traveler Evliya Celebi describes the bazaar as “Kavaflar Carşısı” (Shoe Sellers’ Bazaar) in his travel accounts. A symbol of Edirne, the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, the Arasta Bazaar has shops selling Kavala almond cookies, almond paste and beautifully scented “mis” soap as well as handmade brooms with mirrors.
You can go to Edirne from Istanbul by bus. From Istanbul main bus station Esenler Otogar, there are buses almost every hour departure. It takes about 3 hours driving. Edirne is about 235 kilometers distance from Istanbul. There is a train also from Istanbul to Edirne. But we dont recommend to go by train. Because it is slower than bus and also it is not easy to go train station in Istanbul. And there are twice a day train, morning and evening.
Also you can have a daily trip from Istanbul. If you contact your travel agent, they pick you up from your hotel early morning with minivan and with local expert guide. When Edirne tour finished, they drop back to your hotel. Including lunch and entrance fees.
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